TODAY, your County Gazette has teamed up with Taunton Deane Borough Council to tackle the problem of litter and encourage pride in the borough.

The initiative is being launched to coincide with the council’s new responsive website, which will make it easier for people to report a problem.

We hope the campaign will see bad habits and carelessness replaced by positive attitudes to rubbish and a real sense of public responsibility.

We hear much about the problems caused by litter around Taunton Deane – from dog waste to graffiti and take-away packaging.

Yet we don’t often hear about the efforts of council staff and the army of volunteers to clear it up, and we don’t hear much about how we can prevent the problem in the first place.

So, starting today, Taunton Deane Borough Council and this newspaper aim to educate, inform and empower people so that together we can transform our towns and villages, roadsides and open spaces for good.

Cllr Patrick Berry, executive councillor for environmental services, said: “The Council works hard to ensure the town looks its best all year round through the services it provides.

“We hope this campaign will make it easier for people to recognise the issues, what we can do, and how they can help.

“Together we can make a difference.”

County Gazette editor Paul Jones said: “Litter is a big issue for people living in the borough and we hope by giving people information on how litter impacts on the lives of us all, we can help people make better decisions when getting rid of their rubbish.”

The campaign will run regular features giving an insight into the various council initiatives and services that help to keep Taunton Deane clean and tidy.

We would also love to hear from you if you currently take part in or co-ordinate litter-clearing efforts in your neighbourhood or if you would like to get involved.

You can contact us by email to


  • You can report litter online at
  • The council is committed to removing offensive graffiti from public buildings within 24 hours of an incident being reported. The policy is for graffiti to be removed from public areas and council properties. We will only remove graffiti from private property when we have permission from the owner, as there is a charge for this service. However we may remove graffiti that is discriminatory such as racist graffiti. You can report flyposting and graffiti online at
  • There are approximately 516 litter bins across the borough. They are emptied on a regular basis seven days a week. Report a problem with a litter bin online at The Open Spaces team provides a service to remove needles that have been discarded or disposed of in a way that might be a danger to the public. The team will respond to any report of a needle/syringe in a public place 24 hours a day. Call 01823 356356 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm) or 01823 351411 for the emergency out of hours service.
  • The DLO’s Parks & Open Spaces department is responsible for the installation and emptying of 235 dog bins in the borough. Report a problem with a dog waste bin online at
  • Flytipping is a blot on Taunton Deane’s landscape and a potential threat to human health, wildlife and domesticated animals. You can report flytipping online at