Submitted from: on 2007-10-02 12:08:43 Sender Name: Graham Pope Sender Email: Content: Taunton and Wellington Keyboard Club Report for September 2007 Humour was the order of the day when the Taunton and Wellington Keyboard Club met for their monthly meeting at the Royal British Legion Club on the 27th September. The invited organist Tim Butterworth from Ipswich was making his third appearance at the club and right from the first piece of music, a rousing march, he very quickly established a rapport with his audience. A very topical selection followed and he asked the audience to spot the connection between the pieces in the selection, Tim was quite surprised at the musical knowledge of his audience when they quickly solved the connection. The rest of the concert followed in like vein with more audience involvement and laughter at the remarks of the organist. Many selections of music with clever use of registrations completed a most fascinating concert. The MC thanked Tim for a marvellous evening and said we looked forward to seeing him again in the future.