PETER Francis from Wimborne , was the guest artist at the Taunton and Wellington Keyboard Club concert on November 22. It must be very rare for a professional organist to build his own instrument. Peter played his concert on a Bohm- 280T which over six months he had painstakingly assembled - soldering components and circuit boards into the final product. With this background the audience was most interested to hear what the equipment could actually do. Peter has travelled in his musical career to South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Spain, entertaining mainly in hotels and at private functions. At his Taunton concert there was some restlessness in the audience, and this for two reasons. Whilst his repertoire was somewhat limited to well known standard tunes, it seemed that the organ registrations were much the same throughout the evening. The Bohm organ is indeed mellow and gentle in sound, and may well suit hotel and private function work, but either it is not suitable for organ society work, or the artist failed to communicate the actual scope of the instrument, and also failed to excite the audience with enthusiasm. The only time the concert nearly came alive was with his rendering of Amarillo, with its punchy rhythm and joyful sound..