MR ALAN Foster stepped in as substitute speaker at this month's Meeting of Wellington Probus Ladies Club, to talk about the Turin Shroud accompanied by slides - some rather gory to quote Mr. Foster- he gave a resume of it's journeys from Jerusalem, via Constantinople, Chambery in France (where, in 1532, it was in danger of being destroyed by fire) and finally coming to rest in Turin.where it has been in a specially built cathedral for 500 years.

Scientists the world over have investigated, discussed and postulated on the veracity of the shroud and the consensus is that it is genuine.

The images were realized when photography started in 1890 and the realisation that the negative images are even more convincing was made in 1931. though a drawing made in 1516 and housed in Belgium is a very clear likeness.

Mr. Foster likened the transfiguration to a creation of light as in radiation and his word for it was "supernatural".

The shroud has been the property of the Catholic church since 1953.

The vote of thanks was made by Mrs. Elaine Todd.

In other business the president, Mrs. Marcia Paul, announced that the amount of £200 was made for the club charity at the pre-Christmas coffee morning, and a letter had been received from Buckingham Palace in acknowledgement of the congratulatory card sent on the occasion of the Diamond Wedding.

The next meeting will be on February 21. when the speaker will be Mr.

John Ericson on the Shakers.