THIS week people in the UK have been highlighting the World Diabetes Week and one man in Somerset has stressed how important it is to him.

Trevor Bale, a Somerset man has reduced his risk by taking control of his weight and wellbeing.

He said: “Being told I had diabetes and the doctors threatening that if I did not lose weight I would end up being a type one diabetic with insulin-dependent medication.

"I weighed in at 18.5stone with a 38”waist which was tight but I had a belt with many holes."

Early diagnosis is so important for all types of diabetes. It can save lives, prevent a medical emergency, and reduce the risk of life changing complications.

Someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes.

"My wife Louise had already lost weight with Slimming World but I assumed it was just for Women, I’ll admit to being wrong on that one.

"I was following plan unknowingly at home and noticed I was loosing weight and was encouraged by Lou to go along. I was surprised by how friendly and fun the groups were and everyone made me feel welcome right from the start."

"After 7 months I’d lost 4 stone and a check up with my specialist not only took me off the at risk category for diabetes but my medication was reduced for my blood pressure (I no longer have to take this one) and my metformin was halved."

As well as helping with weight loss and his diabetes, Trevor said it was also a great way to meet people.

"It is great meeting people I used to work with and to see how astonished they are with my weight loss.

"People always ask How did you do it? I Love telling them about Slimming world. Not a diet. Just change the way of eating a bit."

Obviously, losing weight is great, but for Trevor it was how it helped his diabetes risk.

"The most important thing for me is that I no longer take blood pressure tabs.

"My risk of diabetes has gone and other medication has been cut or reduced.

"You can’t put a price on health and you don’t need to put your life on hold with Slimming World."

For more details on Slimming World classes contact Dawn on 07779 404038.