NETBALL South West is pleased to announce the 2023 Game Conference, which will take place on 25 February 2023 at Wellington School, Somerset. 

The inaugural Netball South West Game Conference is the premier gathering for netball coaches and officials, organisers and leaders in the South West region and beyond.

This conference is primarily aimed at coaches regularly delivering in training and competition environments and officials of any level regularly umpiring competitive matches as a great opportunity to further develop skills. 

Netball South West chair Karen Jones said: "Netball remains one of the first choice sports for women and girls in the UK.

"This conference is an opportunity for the coaches, umpires, organisers and leaders in our game (from grassroots to the elite) to connect, learn from each other, challenge ourselves and each other, and seek opportunities to grow the quality of netball experiences in our sport at all levels.” 

The conference features a packed agenda with experts including Kat Ratnapala, Jane Lomax, Bernadette Palmer, Gary Holden, James Thomas and Denise Ellis who will deliver a choice of practical and theory sessions featuring international athletes from Gibraltar.  

To find out more and secure your tickets for the NSW Game Conference, click here.