Amid mass closures across the country, Sarah Dyke MP has called for emergency funding from the government to keep community pharmacies open.

Two of Glastonbury's three pharmacies shut their doors in 2023 due to a lack of funding triggered by inflation and increases in business and staffing costs.

The Somerton & Frome MP said: "Local pharmacies provide a vital frontline health service.

"With GP appointments scarce and other health services stretched beyond breaking point, it is more important than ever that community pharmacies are supported.

"But the sad reality is that this Government undervalues them."

Ms Dyke added: "Even now, when they’re under critical pressure and closing their doors, the Government won’t step in with emergency funding,"

Mike Hewitson, an independent pharmacy contractor, spoke grimly of the current financial hurdles facing pharmacies, saying: "I’ve been a pharmacist for more than 20 years and I’ve never known it this bad.

"It’s now impossible to make ends meet.

"We need urgent and substantial help to make our sector sustainable and safe so that we can support GPs and social care.

"Where do my patients go if they no longer have a pharmacy?"