A RETIRED teacher and keen runner who was worried she would “never run again” after total knee surgery has completed the Taunton 5k park run.

Linda Macdonald, 74, was delighted to take up running again and complete her park run number 117 in Taunton, after a complete knee surgery.

She completed the 5K course in 41 minutes with her daughter Mylena and son-in-law Gary.

Linda, a former teacher at Chard School, said: “I was so worried I’d never run again after surgery.

"Before my operation I thought my running days might be over. 

“I was so fortunate to have had an amazing consultant Dr Arnaout at Practice Plus Hospital, Shepton Mallet, who helped me to get my running safely back on track.”

Four years ago, Linda saw her local GP about her painful knee which she suspected might be due to arthritis in the joint.

Her doctor confirmed this and referred her for physiotherapy.

Unfortunately, despite the sessions, Linda’s knee became worse and was hindering her active, sporty lifestyle of running, golf, and cycling.

Somerset County Gazette: Linda during a park runLinda during a park run (Image: Contributed)

Linda added: “I returned to my GP feeling a bit defeated and concerned that my knee was showing no signs improvement.

“In fact, it had got a lot worse. Eventually the GP agreed that I did need knee replacement surgery and put me on an 18-month NHS waiting list.

“During that period, I was forced to slow down my exercise as I could hardly walk for the pain. Having had stomach ulcers in the past I was very wary of taking painkillers.”

When the time came to have the operation, Linda requested to have her surgery at Practice Plus Group hospital, Shepton Mallet, under NHS patient choice - where patients can select which hospital they wish to be treated at.

Linda also said: “My husband had been to the hospital before for a similar operation.

"I knew it was great from his experience there, plus a few other friends had recommended it too.

“My consultant, Dr Arnaout, reassured me and explained the procedure and recovery steps clearly.

“At my six-week review, after completing the physio programme, I asked if I’d be able to run again.

“I was delighted to be told that I could, as long as I built it up very gradually as I was otherwise fit and healthy.

“The care I received was wonderful and I was told that even though I no longer needed physio care I could visit and ask for help anytime over the following year.”

Linda, who had experience running marathons in the past, began regular running with her daughter, building up the miles slowly around her local area.

Gaining strength in her muscles she returned to weekly fitness and weight training classes.

She also got back onto her electric bike to build up fitness with less strain on her new knee joint. Linda also added: “It took a while to get confidence in my new knee.

“I feel I have been given a gift and a new start and believe if you have a new knee use it! I look to the future and have always said I want to be running when I am 80.

“Running a regular 5K is part of my lifestyle, and I love the atmosphere of the Parkrun and racing against myself.

“My time is probably 10 minutes slower than before my surgery, but I’ll get there and don’t want to push myself too hard or cause any injury.

“I’m delighted to have completed my 117th Park Run and it's thanks to my new knee and a great consultant that I have a new lease of life and can continue to do all the things I enjoy and have recently returned to playing golf.”