10Radio, the Community Radio station broadcasting from Wiveliscombe to the surrounding parishes and beyond, were delighted to act as host to the Rt. Rev Peter Price, Bishop of Bath & Wells, when he visited the Wiveliscombe broadcasting studio last Thursday as part of a joint visit by the Bishops of Taunton and Bath & Wells.

The two bishops spent a total of 48 hours in the Tone Deanery, taking part in events across the area including visits to Milverton Community Centre, Pulsford Lodge Care Home, Tower Cheesemakers, Aardvaark Climate Change, Environmental Solutions and Rockwell Green C of E Primary School. The Bishop of Taunton led a Confirmation service in St John’s, Wellington where he also commissioned Andy Levett as Deanery Youth Worker. Bishop Peter spent almost an hour with 10Radio accompanied by Rev Graham Owen the Rector of Wiveliscombe and Rachel Renfree, the Lay Chairman of the Deanery Synod (part of the Church Parliament). 10Radio also followed the Bishop of Taunton as he re-dedicated the recently restored bells in Nynehead and afterwards joined in a game of skittles with the SNAZ (Sunday Night Action Zone) youth group in the crypt of St Andrews Church in Wiveliscombe.