TAUNTON St Andrews Golf Society held their final event of 2023 on Sunday when members travelled to play in a competition at Minehead and West Somerset Golf Club. 

The Society has been going for nearly 25 years and was initially set up by members of Taunton St Andrews Cricket Club.

During 2023 the society has held 15 golf days, starting back in early March at Sherborne and running through until Sunday’s event. 

The ages of members is all encompassing with the youngest taking part being 14 and the oldest 82 and generally the Society supports local courses, although this season they had their first tour to Ashbury Manor, with two rounds of golf and an overnight stay. 

Sunday’s winner was Mike Pinney with Lee Tomkins second, Kevin Sedgbeer was third Colin Gudge fourth and Dennis Breakwell was fifth.

Throughout the course of the season, the Society had 11 different winners, and the way in which the handicap system is set up works really well and gives everyone a good chance to win an event. 

At each event there are usually eight  prize holes, including the longest drive, nearest the pin, etc.

The society also runs a singles competition and an Order of Merit competition. Mark Woodland won this seasons singles competition, and John Sanders won the Order of Merit competition.

To keep the society going and the costs down, the Society does a lot of fundraising and also has many sponsors including Rob Berry, Alan Parsons, Mark Bushen Ark Plumbing & Heating, Simon Williams Play UK, Steve Rendell, Kim Bristow, Ian and Stuart Hockey and everyone involved is very grateful to all of these for their continued support. 

To find out more about the Taunton St Andrews Golf Society please contact Kevin Sedgbeer on kevinsedgebeer@sky.com