The weather deterred many golfers but despite the far from favourable conditions on Tuesday a dozen brave members of the Ladies Section at Taunton and Pickeridge ventured out onto the course to take part in a Texas Scramble.

At the end of the competition the winners were Mary-Jo Shepherd, Carolyn Fawcett, Liz Cutler and Jill Paul. Well done to all who took part and congratulations to the winning team.

The recent weather may well have put paid to golf for many people but there is plenty to look forward to in the coming months during which Taunton and Pickeridge will be hosting a number of Open Competitions which are now accepting bookings.

The first is the Seniors Open Pairs on Friday 3rd May, which is a Men’s Pairs Betterball Stableford.

Next up is the £ Ball team Open on Saturday 25th May, which is a Team Bowmaker Stableford.

The Junior Open is taking place on Sunday 9th June, which will include both an 18 and 9 hole competition.

The Mixed Team 4BBB Open is taking place on Sunday 30th June. The T&P Annual Pro-Am is taking place on Friday 12th July.

The Ladies 4BBB team Open will be taking place on 23rd July, which is a Fourball Team Bowmaker Stableford.

The Professionals Open Day, a Pairs Betterball Stableford is taking place on Saturday 31st August

The Musgrove Charity Cup a Pairs Betterball Stableford is taking place on Sunday 22nd September. 

The final event is the PEG Smith 36 hole Open on Sunday 29th September.

Entry for all of the above is now open further details of which can be found by logging onto