ENMORE Park Golf Club Ladies held their Christmas Dinner last week during which the results of the Turkey Trot competitions over the previous three weeks were announced and prizes awarded.

The Turkey Trot Waltz played over seven holes on 15th November was won by Ruth MacLennan, Hilary Cockcroft and Tina Morgan with 27, Lorna Walker, Paula Travis and Annette Milroy came second with 24, while  Chris Lewis, Angie Bowden and Anita Leng claimed third spot with 23.

Joan Dovey, Heather Saxton and Sally Dymock won The Turkey Trot Pink Snowball Bowmaker over 18 holes on 22nd November with 44 points. Two teams returned to the clubhouse with 41 but after count back it was Henriette Hayden, Irene Dickinson and Beverley Broad who edged into second place ahead of Shanni Whisler, Kay Taylor and Linda Moore.

The Turkey Trot Christmas Cha Cha Cha 9 holes competition on 29th November was won by Karen Flanagan, Nanette Moore and Anita Leng with 30, one ahead of Hazel Percy, Jennifer Hawkins and Beverley Broad with 29. Chris Lewis, Eileen Binding and Katie Gibbons were third on count back from Anne Weston, Rachel Johnson and Fiona Ryan after both teams carded 28.

The Ladies Festive Fun 9 Hole Waltz on Wednesday ended with three teams returning to the clubhouse with 34.

After count back back however the winners were Chris Lewis, Wendy Walker, Sue Hales and Julie Stafford,  second place went to Jackie Woodman, Fiona Ryan, Anita Leng and Suzanne Bromme, while Angie Bowden, Henriette Hayden, Irene Dickinson and Beverley Broad were third.

The 9-Hole Par Tree was won by Nicola Toller, with Jennifer Hawkins second.

Beverley Broad was the clear winner of The 18 Hole Birdie, while three players- Rachel Johnson, Wendy Walker and Joan Dovey shared second place.

The Summer Eclectic was won by Beverley Broad, Irene Dickinson was second and came Heather Neale came third. 

Pictured left to right are - Sue Hales, Julie Stafford, Jo Wyatt, (Lady Captain)  Wendy Walker and Chris Lewis – the winners of the Ladies Festive Fun competition on 6th December.